David Sackett MD (1934–2015) was a Canadian medical doctor and a pioneer in evidence-based medicine who proved that aspirin helps prevent heart attacks. He founded the department of clinical epidemiology at McMaster University, Ontario, in 1967. Later in his career, recognising his preeminence in the field, he was awarded a professorship at Oxford University, England, where he established the Centre for Evidence Based Medicine. His textbook Clinical Epidemiology: A Basic Science for Clinical Medicine is considered a classic in its field.
David Lawrence Sackett, son of De Forest Sackett and Margaret Ross, was born in Chicago on 17 November 1934.1 He died aged 80 in Ontario, Canada, on 13 May 2015. He graduated MD at the University of Illinois.
Dr Sackett was inducted in 2000 to the Canadian Medical Hall of Fame. His profile on the Hall of Fame website includes a commemorative video.
More…David Lawrence Sackett at sackettfamily.info